
Showcase my projects.

ROS Naviz

ROS Naviz

Naviz is our implementation of ROS web-based visualization with full functionality from RVIZ with additional Virtual Wall server

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Smart Motor Anomaly Detection with Grafana IOT dashboard

Smart Motor Anomaly Detection with Grafana IOT dashboard

The system performs dashboard to monitor various data from sensors that are attached to the machine, which this system wss intregrated with machine learning algorithm at backend to notify site engineers when anomaly data appears

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DDC Vaccine Management System

DDC Vaccine Management System

Vaccine Inventory Management for Deparment of Diesease Control, which performs CRUD operation and also illustrates the Thailand map with coverage percentage of each vaccine in each province

Regression Model on Machine Setting Parameter

Regression Model on Machine Setting Parameter

This project is implementation of how to use machine learning to apply with properties of soil water to become ideal machine configuration.

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Inventory Management System

Inventory Management System

This project is implementation of how to use machine learning to apply with properties of soil water to become ideal machine configuration.

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Image Processing APP

Image Processing APP

This project aims to be implementation of express as server, which can resize the image from client

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