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I am about to finish my Bsc, what next? 👨‍🎓



I will finish my bachelor's degree in robotics and artificial intelligence in the next two months. Many things have happened to me during the past few months, from regretting my degree that is not worth the money to changing to a new career path.

This blog intends to use it to illustrate my next plan and my reflection on my Bsc life.

Let's talk about my degree disappointment.

My expectation for this degree is to become a robotics software engineer. Still, most of the modules' poor lectures, lack guidance, random syllabus couldn't give me essential knowledge to be a job-ready robotics software engineer (Compared to other university curricula and each module syllabus).

Besides the robotics modules, there were several artificial intelligence and data-related modules. Most of them offered by other departments' lecturer is intense lectures but lack practical skills. However, those still give me enough knowledge to understand Artificial Intelligence.

As I said, I expect to become a robotics software engineer, not a machine learning engineer. Because the only knowledge I got from university was relatively poor. It forced me to do my best self-study about coding from outside the university (Udacity, Skooldio, and Coursera). It ended up with me asking my supervisors of cooperative study to let me work only with software development and a little bit of machine learning related.

Since then, I have known that computer science, software engineering, or software development is another path available for making a living. But how can I compete with other students from those degrees since my degree has consisted of only one computer programming module? (Also, how can I compete to become a robotics engineer with graduated from other universities)

Passion is not working in this cruel world.

Even though I have much passion for the robotics field, the only thing I can offer to the world (I mean the employees) is software development. I have two choices to decide.

  1. Take a degree in what I have a passion for (MSc robotics), even if It is my weakness. I cannot guarantee on this choice that improving my weakness gonna get me a job. Still, it's definitely fulfilling my lack of passion.

  2. Take a degree in what I am already good at (MSc computer science/software development) and progress to become great. I had made money from taking a part-time freelance as a front-end developer. My supervisors at cooperative study wanted me to join his team as a software developer.

Passion is not from what you want to do (What can the world do for me); it is from your mastery (what you can do and offer to the world).

I can't take any more of a lost year of creating a new skill. I would instead strengthen my already existing skill.

Finally, I decided to prepare myself for the software development field by pursuing the MSc in Software development/Computer science. This type of MSc is a conversion program that takes people not studying computer science to become job-ready (?) software developers. (Sound like a premium Bootcamp). And It's easy to change into the robotics field later. At least I can get money from this choice

You may have a question about why I don't become a self-taught developer and get a job?

This can simply be answered as I already had a plan to take MSc 5 years ago (Sponsored by my parent). It's not just pop up at the end of my BSc. The thing that I have to decide is what to study for.

Since I have this unfair advantage to get another degree, there is no reason why I have to become a self-taught developer? Easy right.

Real-world lesson

Yes, it sounds like MSc solved everything, but my family's money on BSc was gone. And I have to plus the loss with Msc tuition fee. If I knew that I would end up like this, I would pursue another Bsc degree from other schools and save over a million Thai baht.

All I can feel right now is I'm just regretting it.

But the regretting thing that happened is not making me advanced. This BSc would be my best decision at that time. No one can predict the future. I learned that the university would not take responsibility for this; it is still my responsibility to take their result and move on. No matter many I regret, the university is still the same;

Also, I can't expect much about my upcoming MSc; it may be like my BSc, and everything outside my control is unreliable. All I can do is rely only on myself, become self-learning, improve myself, and don't give any second to give a *** about it.

Wrapping up

I hope all the readers do not get a terrible Bsc experience like me. If that happens to you, trust me to take it as your responsibility and create a solid plan for yourself.

Thanks for reading until this.